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Come to the altar with CHM
We'll let you know each time a new chapel video is available. We're excited for you to come to the altar with CHM as we worship the Lord.
Here are some more great resources
Seven Ways to Be a good neighbor
Download our free phone backgrounds to personalize your mobile device as a quick reminder of how God encourages us to be there for each other!
Feel free to share with a friend or neighbor as a source of inspiration!
Happy Marriage, Healthy Marriage
When you put Christ at the center of your marriage, everything changes.
We walk you through four essential areas of your lives together: finances, faith, health & well-being, & enjoying a biblical marriage.
Grow the Fruit of the Spirit with our devotional!
Created just for you, this book is full of resources to help you and your family cultivate closeness with God as you serve others.
Just like you make sure to eat a balanced diet, make sure you learn to grow the “fruit” of the Holy Spirit.
Want to learn more about what CHM has to offer?
Christian Healthcare Ministries is a membership-based, nonprofit ministry through which hundreds of thousands of Christians voluntarily share the cost of medical bills. As part of a biblical covenant, CHM members step in and help fellow brothers and sisters in Christ with eligible medical bills.