Now is the best time to find your perfect fit

If your health insurance costs too much, maybe you should switch to an affordable alternative.

Spoiler alert: the traditional track isn’t your only option to satisfy your healthcare costs. As an alternative to health insurance, CHM’s programs fit both finances and faith.

Imagine you're able to:

  • Prioritize your budget with programs starting under $100 per month.
  • Have peace of mind as you mix and match programs you pick for your family's needs.
  • Find flexibility with a covenant, not a contract.

It's reality with CHM. Take charge, today.

Learn More About Us!


Discover healthcare for Christians like you


If the unexpected makes you uneasy, maybe you should stop leaving healthcare costs up to chance.

It’s always wise to be prepared for whatever life throws your way. CHM brings fellow believers together to do healthcare differently—by design! It’s just another way CHM stands apart.


If the doctor you wanted isn’t in your network, maybe you shouldn’t have a network at all!

CHM equips you with the flexibility to pick your preferred providers. In fact, 100% of eligible medical expenses are reimbursed according to the CHM Guidelines, so you can have peace of mind as you make healthcare decisions.

“The faithfulness of our fellow CHM members enabled us to live our normal lives and focus on recovery, not on medical bills. Being a part of a ministry like CHM gives us a tremendous feeling of confidence, especially when medical bills arise unexpectedly.”