

What is your picture of good healthcare?

Life is full of choices, but making the right choice doesn't have to be complicated.

Whether you are young and single, newlyweds, proud parents, or planning for retirement, you can understand your healthcare options—and we're here to help.

We invite you to take our quiz to gain insights about how you can uphold your Christian beliefs and stick to your budget. It's free, secure, and personalized—just for you!

Quiz yourselfGet insights into your healthcare personality in just 90 seconds.

(Don't forget to eat your vegetables!)

A faith-based healthcare cost solution

Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) is a budget-friendly, biblical, and compassionate healthcare cost solution for Christians in all 50 states and around the world. We're the first and longest-serving health cost sharing ministry, having satisfied nearly $10 billion in medical costs since the ministry began in 1981.

Learn more about health cost sharing



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Christian Healthcare Ministries is not health insurance, but rather a principled, budget-friendly and eligible healthcare option under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that many Christians use as their solution to their healthcare costs. We welcome you to learn more about our health cost sharing ministry’s history and how CHM meets the requirements of the national healthcare law.